Sir Richard Branson wants to bring back supersonic travel. Thirteen years since Concorde ended operations, the Virgin tycoon has revealed the prototype design for a new generation of supersonic business jets developed by the Branson-backed startup company Boom, based in Denver. The firm claims its planes will allow “affordable” journeys from London to New York in just three-and-a-half hours for approximately $5,000 (£4,000) return, the same as current business class tickets.理查德·布兰森先生想将超音速旅行完全恢复运营。自从协和式超音速喷射客机中止操作者13年以来,维珍航空巨头公开发表了新一代超音速商务喷射机的原型设计,由布兰森反对的创业公司布姆研发,基地设于丹佛。公司称之为它的飞机可以构建从伦敦到纽约仅有用三个半小时,机票费用是“负担得起的”,大约为5,000美元(合4,000英镑),与现在的商务舱机票价格完全相同。
But there’s still a question over whether Boom can overcome the problems that hindered Concorde. Another supersonic project in the US may already have the edge over Branson’s preferred design. And the success of both projects – and the future of supersonic flight in general – may ultimately depend on the decisions of President-elect Donald Trump.但是还有一个问题就是,布姆否需要解决之前制止协和式超音速喷射客机运营的问题。美国另一个超音速项目也许早已沦为了布兰森替代性的设计自由选择。
两个项目的顺利——超音速航班的整体未来——也许最后各不相同总统议会选举落败的唐纳德·特朗普的要求。Boom’s XB-1 will be more efficient than Concorde thanks to lighter, cheaper composite materials and advances in aerodynamics and jet engines. This will be helped by carrying 40 passengers per flight as opposed to Concorde’s 100, despite its ticket price. But ultimately, Boom doesn’t appear to do enough to address one of the key reasons Concorde failed.布姆公司的XB-1,用于了更为轻盈、廉价的复合材料,在航空动力学以及喷气发动机方面都很先进设备,这使得XB-1比协和式超音速喷射客机的效能更高。
Just four years after Concorde’s first flight in 1969, the US effectively banned supersonic travel over its mainland due to concerns of the harmful effects of the sonic boom on the public. This then restricted Concorde’s operations to going supersonic only over the sea, severely limiting the potential routes. Boom is currently not proposing a design that would go far enough to allow flights over land because it doesn’t address the noise pollution issue.协和式超音速喷射客机在1969年首次飞行中,仅有4年之后,由于担忧超音波爆声对于公众的危害影响,美国有效地禁令了在美国大陆上的超音速旅行。这一禁令将协和式超音速喷射客机的飞行中容许在洋面,相当严重容许了潜在的路线。布姆目前未明确提出一项可以在美国大陆上展开飞行中的设计方案,因为它没陈述其噪音污染问题。