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Bsports官网-最新纳米颗粒滴眼液 竟可替代眼镜和隐形眼镜?发布日期:2024-12-24 浏览次数:937
本文摘要:Researchers from the Shaare Zedek Medical Center and Bar-Ilan University just released a report explaining how a new type of eye drop infused with nanoparticles could replace the need for glasses or contacts.来自沙尔泽戴克医学中心和巴伊兰大学的研究人员刚公开发表了一份报告,说明了一种流经“纳米粒子”的新型滴眼液将如何替代框架眼镜或隐形眼镜。

Researchers from the Shaare Zedek Medical Center and Bar-Ilan University just released a report explaining how a new type of eye drop infused with nanoparticles could replace the need for glasses or contacts.来自沙尔泽戴克医学中心和巴伊兰大学的研究人员刚公开发表了一份报告,说明了一种流经“纳米粒子”的新型滴眼液将如何替代框架眼镜或隐形眼镜。Its a bit complicated and requires a brief doctor visit, but it apparently works like a charm.过程有点简单,必须经过医生的非常简单临床,但效果十分难以置信。The three-step process starts with a measurement of the individuals eye refraction, which can be performed with a smartphone.这一过程共分三个步骤,首先是测量个人的眼球屈光度,能用智能手机已完成。Then, doctors create a very specific laser pattern which is applied to the eye for less than one second. The laser creates tiny grooves in the surface of the cornea. Lastly, special eye drops are applied.然后,医生建构出有一种十分类似的激光图案,在眼球上太阳光将近一秒的时间。

激光在角膜表面产生微小的凹槽。最后,用于类似滴眼液。These nanoparticles go into the shallow ablated patterns generated on the surface of the cornea, Zeev Zalevsky explained to Digital Trends.泽夫·扎勒夫斯基向《数字趋势》说明道:“这些纳米粒子转入角膜表面构成的浅凹槽内。

”They change the refraction index inside of those patterns. This corrects the visual problem the user has. The process of correction can be done at home without the need of a medical doctor.“它们不会转变凹槽内的折射率。矫正使用者的视力。

矫正过程可以在家里已完成,不必须医生。”The procedure is less invasive than traditional laser eye surgery in that it only affects the exterior of the eye and does not require an extensive procedure.该手术比起传统的眼科激光手术创伤更加小,因为它只转变眼球表面,没了解的过程。

However, because the alterations to the eye are so minor, the tiny etchings in the cornea eventually heal themselves and vision subsequently degrades. The researchers believe the positive effects of the treatment will last one to two months.但是,由于这种方法对角膜导致的后遗症大于,所以角膜的微小凹槽最后不会自行伤口,视力也不会随之发育。研究人员指出这种化疗的大力效果将持续一到两个月。Heading to the eye doctor for a reapplication of the laser every two months sounds pretty inconvenient, but the technology is still in its infancy.每两个月就要看一次眼科医生,申请人一次新的激光治疗听得一起很不方便,但是这项技术还正处于初始阶段。

Going forward, the researchers are planning additional testing and hope to have something resembling a commercial product available within the next two years.展望未来,研究人员于是以计划展开其他测试,期望在未来两年内发售类似于的商业产品。

